What is "The Age Of Man"?

The first thing we must know is what is called an "Age of Man".  The Age of Man is a long period of time through which man lives on a particular level of evolution under certain conditions to increase his knowledge of life, environment, and understanding of the existence and origin of his "Being".

Through untold eons of time, man has slowly progressed in his upward climb and in each age of man, new upgraded lessons of life are brought forth for his consideration.

As man's knowledge of life increases, so does his understanding of the unity and source of "All" life.

When we speak of an "Age" of man, we refer to that age by a particular name.

As grade or elementary school is a progression of kindergarten; high school is a progression of elementary school and so on, so is every age of man a progression of previous ages and must be built upon the foundation of past ages of knowledge and wisdom.

What is the "New Age"?

We are already living in a "New Age" of man.  Every 2,160 years a different sign of the zodiac appears on the eastern horizon bringing forth a new age of man - a new world era.  Each new age is under the ruler ship and influence of this sign.  This is due to a scientifically established period of universal time and what is termed the "Precession of the Equinoxes".

Each age brings with it a new world teacher or leader who teaches eternal Laws for Living Life according to the understanding of the age.  Everyone is subject to these laws.  Who lives in harmony with them reaps its rewards; who lives our of harmony with them reaps its penalties.  These teachings contain reference to the symbol of the sign of the age and they may later become a new world religion.

We are now at the overlapping period of change from one sign to another; from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age.  A period of approximately 400 years overlaps a change of ages of man; thus the Age of Aquarius is a progression of the Age of Pisces.

What is the "Age of Pisces"?

For the past 2,000 years, the world has been under the influence of the zodiacal sign of "Pisces the Fishes" - a "Water" sign - symbolized by two fishes swimming in opposite directions.  Water signs are called "Emotional" signs and the two fish symbolize our being swayed back and forth by our feelings.  The Fish swimming in "opposite" directions symbolize our being torn between opposite attractions and indecision that we may learn to decide discriminately which way is right and best.

The Age of Aquarius is an Intellectual Age in which we will be developing Mental Power to combine with our Emotional Power that we may combine the Head and Heart to build Better Balanced Human Beings.

Pisces was also the Age of Positive and Negative - of Concealed and Revealed.  That is why Jesus was said to have taught in Parables - one way to His Disciples and in another to the public.

For the past 2,000 years of the Piscean Age we have been learning lessons concerning the element of Water.  We have mastered the element Water "Outwardly".  We have built great dams and reservoirs and great vessels for ocean travel.  However, the "Inward" struggle is still on for the element Water also rules the Emotions of man.

The public flare-ups throughout the years are evidence man cannot year control the tides of emotion within himself nor has he established "Faith" - as the substance of things hoped for; neither does he yet fully practice the Lesson of the Age as taught by its Spiritual Leader, Jesus Christ: "Love Ye One Another".

The common man required eons of time to learn the lessons of life and to overcome the need for life itself in the schoolroom of earth.  The Great Light says: "For He Who Overcometh Shall I Build a Mansion in the Skies and He Shall go Out No More."

"Concealed" from the ignorant and profane is The Great Light of The Piscean Age is Scientific Knowledge of the Path leading to True Spiritual Enlightenment and Godhood.


A Change of Ages is very gradual over a period of 400 years.  Thus, we are now at the actual change of ages - but the "Influence" of the Age of Aquarius began over 200 years ago and the influence of the Piscean Age will diminish and pass out over the next 200 years. 

Aquarius, The Water Bearer, is symbolized by a being pouring out the spiritual waters of brotherly love over all the earth.  It is an "air" sign of the zodiac and air being the carrier of thought defines this age as one of science, invention, creativity, freedom, truth, brotherly love, balance, compassion, unbiased justice, discovery, higher thought, true religion, and adoration of God.

In this age we have the opportunity to make the Greatest Human Progress for the past 25,920 years.

For the next 2,000 years we must develop our minds that our reasoning will be the balanced result of both Mind and Heart.  Understanding and tolerance of differences will bring our world closer to lasting Peace and Brotherly Love.  We can and will build a Better World by each improving them "Self".


In this New Age we must Always expect the Unexpected.


The Age of Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus: a singular positive sign and a sign of Truth.


At the end of every age, the age will reflect how the people lived during that age.  The present Disasters reveal this Truth: Piscean Age.


We are now living in "The Age of Aquarius" - the Greatest Opportunity for Human Progress since the world began!


Near the end of every age of man, Culture degenerates and its influence wanes and is less effective.


In the Age of Aquarius, we will be more strongly influenced by our Minds than our Emotions.


Aquarius is a "Positive" age and All Teachings should be Positive. 


We have been shaped to live by our Leaders.  In this New Age we must shape our own lives.


In the Age of Pisces people grew old young.  In the Age of Aquarius people can remain young old.


This is the Age of clean cut Integrity and Disciplined Freedom which will be the Seed of a New Godly Race of Man.


This is the age of Science and All Moral Philosophy must stem from the birthplace of All Science - The Conscience:  the Mind and Soul Science of Self.

 "Con" means "Self" - "Science" means "Study of" = the Study of Self.


In the Age of Pisces we discovered the opposites of Positive and Negative Forces.  In the New Age we shall discover One Force and One Substance.

Aquarius is the Age of The Mind - of Developing the Intellect and Reason.

Music in the Age of Aquarius will become more light, bright, happy, lively, unusual and occasionally have sudden changing.

During the past 2,000 years we have learned of the goodness of Jesus.  In the coming 2,000 years we will learn of the goodness of man.

This is a New Age and all Things previously hidden - such as True Mysteries in Religion - may now be revealed.

The next Age of Man - in 2,000 years or so from now - will be under the influence of the sign Capricorn, the Goat.  All who live too freely now will feel the butt of its absolute Discipline when they incarnate then.  It will be the age of separating the sheep from the goats.

In the New Age everyone must be made aware that they control their own Destiny and that no one but themselves can make their life better.

Faith in things not seen will in this age bring those things into manifestation.

Education can no longer be entrusted to present professional educators for they are continuing to teach outdated Principles of a dying age.

We are now at the dawn of a New Age with opportunity knocking at every door bringing with it a challenge to every human being to dig into the Treasure Chest of his own Inner Self to find for himself and his fellow man a more Glorious, Peaceful Life of Fulfillment than he ever dreamed possible in All previous Ages of Man.