The Problem

The World cannot long endure massed undermining of the Character of its Governments, industries, homes, people, moral and educational structures and its simple logic of what is Right and Wrong - what is True or False, Good or Bad, its regard for Honest Justice and its Faith in the Goodness and Integrity of Human Beings a Brothers and its Belief in the Universal Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Only tremendous, organized efforts can stay and turn the tide - not through force, but through Inspiration of Basic Knowledge of Cultural Principles in every possible Individual Human Being that each becomes capable of Balanced Reasoning, Right Decisions and


Plato said: "Every governmental form ruins itself by excess of its own vital principles".  The Vital principle of a Democracy is Freedom.  In order to avoid excesses of this principle, we must have "disciplined" Freedom - the Discipline of Every human being over himself to prevent his total freedom from interfering with the freedom of All others.  

      "Discipline from without flourishes when discipline from within grows weak"-Harry Woodburn Chase


The Solution

It is no true help to a Nation to exhaust its resources in a futile attempt to find non-existing remedies for all the ills of mankind's Wrong living.  It is Good Character and Right Living that makes a Nation Great.  To continuously need more hospitals, jails and corrective institutions proves physical and moral degeneration and decay.  Because of improper Education, we have developed a sickly race without Integrity, Morals and Concern for the welfare of each other and completely Ignorant of

"The Laws For Living Life".  To build Good Character and Good Health in our people is to make out Nation Strong, Honorable and Enduring.  Now, nothing short of a Complete Reformation of our Social Order can Rebuild Good Character, Good Health and Aspiration in our Citizens - the Building Blocks of Our nation and Our World.


                                      "In van we build the city if we do not first build the man".     - Edwin Markham




The Purpose of government is to coordinate the Needs and Services of the people to do collectively, the Good things, people cannot accomplish as individuals.  Thus, the Greatest Responsibility of Government is to determine the Greatest Public Needs.  Government must now recognize the Betterment of humans as the Ultimate Good on Earth and make All else subservient to this Goal.  Thus, it is the Responsibility of Government to Support Research and Education of the necessary Knowledge of its citizens to have Good Health, Good Character and a "Working  Knowledge" of 

"The Laws for Living Life" that they may understand Life and All its Experiences.  It is also the Responsibility of Government to determine and uphold what is right, wholesome, good and the Best Cultural Values of its citizenry and to forbid anything that tends to diminish or destroy those Values in the public in general.  Virtue, morality and integrity are obviously the Best human Cultural Values to be upheld.  But it is impossible to "legislate" good in people.  These must be "Inspired" and this is the Duty of Education.  



Science and Security

In the midst of Governmental Turmoil, public hysteria and world-wide misconception that preservation and Security are based upon Material Science and Armed Might, the True human Need becomes every more evident.  The Greatest human Belief is that a "just" God created the universe and still governs it "justly".  

People of Good character attract to themselves peace, harmony and sufficient.  People of Poor character attract to themselves discord, conflict, trouble and want.  EVERY family, community, city, state and nation has a "character" which attracts to it a Destiny and Fate in accordance.  A leader is powerless to provide for his people or the world a better Destiny or Fate than their collective Character deserves, but eh people CAN be aided to DESERVE better.  We Need HUMAN SCIENTISTS to apply their WISDOM!  


The Solution

The Solution to all human problems is "SIMPLE CULTURAL EDUCATION".  

Based upon that "Knowledge of the body" which provides a means for Good Health; subject to that "Wisdom of the Soul" which provides and Inspired a means for Good Character in every aspect, thereby providing fulfillment of All Physical and Spiritual requirements of Human Life and Living.  Security is when a person becomes Self Sufficient.


An American's Creed

I am an American and I am Free to think and act as I please but I am Responsible for my Thoughts and Actions and my thoughts and actions Must be Good.  I Must be Kind in Everything I do, but above All, to Everyone I Must be True.



Government in the New Age

The Government, like All other entities of the Universe, is influenced by the present "Age" - it being the Age of Aquarius.  Please read "Aquarius ~ A New Age ~ A New World" on this site to better understand the reasoning for issues in the Government now.  Remember that the "Age" influences Everything and Everyone Everywhere.