KARMA: Punishment or Blessing?


The Natural Law of CAUSE & EFFECT


Nature Ever Tends to Maintain or Restore Balance.

Anything or Being OUT of Balance Necessarily Causes Its Own Destruction.


KARMA is the Universal and Eternal Law of Balance and Justice.  All Past Actions in the Life of the Soul Must, therefore, be brought to Balance and Justice.  Until Final Peace with God and All Creation comes about, Reincarnation is Necessary to Provide the Time and Conditions for Necessary Experiences which Produce PERFECTION.


There is No Longer a necessity for Sickness, Disease and Suffering.  All Human Problems are the Result of Ignorance or Defiance of the Laws For Living Life.  We are the Creators of Our Destiny.  There is No One on Earth or In Heaven who can or will Help us if we will Not Help Ourselves.  We Each Have made Our Life What It Is and the Decisions we make Now are Already Starting to Shape Our Future.


Everything that Exists has a CAUSE - All World Conditions have a Cause.


All Motion Is Circular

And This Is True

All Your Good & Evil

Must Return To You.


"This is the first law of life, from good must come good and from evil must come evil."

- Buddha


"As ye sow, so shall ye also reap".

- Jesus


Humans alone are the Creator of their own Quality of Life in Every Way.  They are responsible for their own Health and their own Happiness as well as their own Spiritual Progress.


We Build our own Heaven and Hell by the way we live Every Day.  No one else in the Universe can be Blessed or Blamed for Our Good and Evil by Ourselves.  We Made ourselves Everything we are and we will Reap the Reward for our Every Good and the Penalties for Our Every Evil.

It is in our Darkest, Most Troubled Hours of Despair that God embraces us and tries to Help us through the Very Trouble and Despair we Resist.  God is trying to "Force" us to take a Different Path in Life that will Lead to a More Fruitful End for US - a Way to a Better Life.  Therefore, Accept your Trouble for it comes to Aid you to take the Right and Best Direction through Life.  Listen and Look Within for Guidance.   Suffering can lead to Blessings if we Realize it.


"Humanity must realize that its fate lies in its own hands."

- Dr. Alexis Carrel


"Judge not that ye be not judged: for with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete it shall be measured unto you again."

- The Holy Bible


God does Not "Punish". He merely Withholds the Blessings.  We Punish Ourselves when we Break the Laws of the Universe.


The Operation of our Universe is Sufficient Proof of the Absolute Integrity of the Creator.  Every Cause Must have its Effect and we MUST Reap whatever we Sow, whether we like it or NOT.  The Forgiveness of Sins is Impossible according to Universal Law.  The Church may Forgive Sins but the Universe DOES NOT.  Everyone is Responsible for what they do.


We Pass this Way Many Times and we shall walk among the Conditions we are Creating NOW.  We ARE "Creating" as we pass by the way we are Living our Lives Every Minute and by the way we are Treating our Fellow Humans and our Fellow Creatures of Earth and the Universe.  YOU will be Treated in Future Lives as you are Treating Each Other Now.  


Most people keep hoping in vain for a Better Fate than they know they Deserve.  A Person's

OWN TRUE CHARACTER Determines their Exact Destiny and Fate.  


There IS a Reason for Everything - NOTHING is Random.


When humans are Taught to Recognize the Integrity of the Universe they will realize that THEY and THEY ALONE ARE "The Creator" of ALL Conditions of Their Life: Health and Wealth, Peace of Mind, Desires, Friends, Freedoms, Love, Safety, Knowledge and Wisdom and All Else and that if they ever expect a Better Life, they Must First Improve Themselves - Their Character and the Way They Live.  When they realize there is No Other Hope in Heaven or Hell for Something for Nothing they WILL Seek to Improve Themselves.


Your Level of Living Attracts a Like Fate - thus, it is said:

"He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword" and

"Virtue is its own reward."


Karma & Reincarnation Provide The Only Honest Answer

To All The Inequalities Of Life:

Those Who Live Good Reap Blessings

And Those Who Do Not Reap Strife.


In Spite of All Worldly Conditions

Nature's Laws Forever Abide

Everyone's Place & Condition Of Life Are Determined

By Character Of The Person Inside.


"No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death."

- Socrates


Reference: The Laws For Living Life; Veganism: Food & Fact