Racial Evolution: The Harmonious Relations Of Human Races


Racial Evolution is Nature's Plan of Gradual Racial Integration of All Races, as in the United States where people of All Nations have Assembled, in an Endeavor to Work Towards its Ultimate Purpose of Establishing out of Total Humanity ONE GREAT RACE ~ or NO Race.  If Only One Race Exists, there will Exist No Thought of "Race" ~ Only "People" ~ Human Beings.

Through Education and Realization of this Science, All Peoples of the World Will Understand their "Rightful" Place in Human Society and Work Towards Friendly Relations, Harmony and Brotherly Love.  They Will be Inspired to Strive with Honest Effort to Raise their Standard of Life and Living to an Ever Higher One through Realization of the True Purpose of Human Evolution and the Rewards of "Growing" through Individual Personal Effort. Thus, in Actuality, All Human Beings are but One Family Must Live if they Expect to Live in Peace and Harmony in a Home, Nation or a World.  Without Racial Evolution it is utterly Impossible for Mankind to Understand and Tolerate their Fellow Creatures.


                                                         Seven Great Ages


Humans are Scheduled to Live and Gain Knowledge and Wisdom on Earth until we Reach 'PERFECTION" and the allotted Time for this Accomplishment is SEVEN GREAT AGES Extending Over Eons of Time.

THE FIRST TWO GREAT RACES were the ADAMIC and the HYPOBOREAN.  During the Evolution of these Two Races there  were No Distinction of Color.  All were of the same Skin.  These Two Races were used to Develop Human Body Types.

THE THIRD GREAT RACE was the LEMURIAN, and it was here that Mankind "Divided" and Began to Seek Separate Ways.  They, thus, Migrated to Various Parts of the Earth and Under Various Climatic Conditions, Developed Distinctive Bodies and Skins.

THE FOURTH GREAT RACE was the ATLANTEAN and this Great Race also was composed of Seven Divisional Races, the Third of which was the Toltecs, followed by the Turanian, Semite, Akadian and Mongolian.

THE FIFTH GREAT RACE is called the ARYAN - Our Present Great Race.  This Race also will have a Total of Seven Divisions of which the United State of America is the SIXTH.  The SIXTH GREAT RACE of MAN will be the "SLAVIC" and will have NO Divisional Races.

One More Divisional Race Will be Developed After the American to Conclude Evolution of the First Great Race on Earth and this will be Thousands of Years hence on the Continent of Australia.  It is here that the nightmare of Race will Totally Vanish from the Earth Forever.

The SEVENTH GREAT RACE OF MANKIND is as yet Unnamed and its place Unknown but it Will be the Last Great Race on Earth ~ Evolution having Completed its Work of TRANSFORMING Mankind into a "GOD".

At the End of THIS Great Race All Divisional Races of Mankind on Earth will END.  The Reason for Integration  of people to this Continent from Europe, Africa, Asia, India and Everywhere on Earth is to REUNITE ALL MANKIND INTO ONE RACE and to COMBINE ALL KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM GAINED BY EACH GOING SEPARATE WAYS into a True Brotherhood of Man on Earth.

We Must Now Recognize that ALL RACES OF MANKIND through having different COLORS OF SKIN were Inhabited by the Same PURE, COLORLESS SOULS through REINCARNATION.  We Must See the Real Person Within. We are All Playing in the Great Drama of Life on the Way to Perfection.


                                                                                    AMERICAN CULTURE


All Nationalities who Originally came to "America" brought their Homeland Cultures with them which Contributed Toward the Establishment of the Nation's Total Culture and Benefit.  The English brought Knowledge of Law, Literature and Poetry; the Dutch brought Great Art; the Germans brought Science, Industry and Music; the French brought Great Art and Further Sense and Meaning of Liberty, the Italians brought Great Painting and Music.  And All Have Contributed their Folk Dancing as a Further Aid to the Establishment of American Culture.

We are In AMERICA and are No Longer red, white, yellow, black or brown.  We are "AMERICANS" and we Need to Establish an "AMERICAN CULTURE" that is an Example for All the World to follow.

The Purpose of Civilization is to Unite Our Efforts to Provide the Greatest Welfare in All Ways for All the People and Each Must Contribute, in Some Way, Toward the Good of ALL.




NO Race of people ~ Except Good Ones of ALL Kinds ~ will Ever Remain as Leaders of People and in the Distant Future the World and the Idea of "Race" will be Forgotten and Peace Will Reign Supreme.



                                                                             OUR SOUL IN COSTUME


The SELF is the "Person" ~ the "Being" ~ the "Life" ~ the "Soul" who Lives IN the Body of Every Being on Earth. We Never See the "Real" Person because Everyone is Wearing a "Costume" and a "Mask".

It is said: "The eyes are but the windows of the soul".  The "Body" is ONLY a "Suit".

The Face is but a Mask that we, the Real Person, hide behind and our Body is a Costume that we Express Our Self Through.

Our Face and Body Reveals the True Character of the Being Within and Character is FATE.

Our Real Self is Colorless and Invisible to the Material Senses.  It Cannot be Seen with the Eyes; Heard with the Ears; Felt with the Hands; Smelled with the Nose or Tasted with the Tongue.  We call All Things we can "Sense" - "Material" and All Others "Spiritual".  If it is NOT "Material" it Must be some of such High Rate of Vibration that it is Invisible and such things we call "Spiritual" or something else to Distinguish the Difference - like "the Soul" or "the Self".

We are the Same Souls who keep Coming Back (Reincarnate) on the State of Life at different times; in different Drams and in different Masks and Costumes and through our "Acting" (through the way we live) we Learn More about Living Life from Each Other and from Within Our Self.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                  ALL THE WORLD'S A GARDEN


In your Garden you plant All Kinds of Flowers and Vegetable Plants and Each One Adds,  in some manner, to the Beauty and Fullness of your Garden.

All The World's Garden, too, and those who think that Any Race is Better than there's are but Unknowingly Criticizing God's Garden and should try to put themselves in the Body of the Races we Condemn.  Then we could Not Possibly Feel the same about their Thoughts and Feelings.  Or, it may be just as well to put ourselves in God's place then look at the Garden.

It is True that birds of a feather should flock together, but why Condemn Any Creature's Flock?  We also, as part of a flock, All Know that the Principles of Good and Bad Inhabit ALL Flocks.  Therefore, our Flock Cannot be Perfect Any More than Anyone Else's.




This Is The Truth

By Which We Must All Abide

No Matter What Color Our Skin

We Are All The Same Inside.



Suggestive reading on this site: World Brotherhood NOW!