Rhymes of Life

Institutions Are Made Up Of People                          Before We Can Begin To Educate People     

And This Must Be Understood                                    Upon This Earthly Span

Unless We Build Good People                                      We Must Decide If Man Exists To Improve "Things"

Nothing Else Will Be Any Good.                                  Or "Things" Exist To Improve Man.


Education Teaches Almost Everything                   Change Is The Way Of Life

But For Wisdom It Has No Room                               We Cannot Deny It

The Wealth Of The World Is Its Wisdom                  We Must Change WITH Change

And We Ignore It To Our Doom.                                  Or Be Changed By It.


All Human Research                                                      No Greater Blessing Exists

Adds Up To Simple Sums                                             On Earth Or In Heaven Above You

The More Pure & Good A Human Lives                    Than To Be Able To Greet Every Being You Meet

The More Charmed Their Life Becomes.                 And Truly Say, "I Love You".


The Cause Of All                                                             Wisdom Is The Greatest Treasure

Our Trouble And Strife                                                  For More Valuable Than Gold

Is Lack Of Foundational Wisdom                              Gather It Now While You Are Young

And Knowledge Of The Laws Of Life.                       When You're Dead You Are Too Old.


Sex Is The #1 Killer                                                        There Is Only One Remedy

Of This There Is No Doubt                                            For All Humans Ills

Don't Grow Old And Decrepit                                      Eliminate All Wrongs In Your Living

Before You Find It Out.                                                  And You Won't Need Correction Or Pills.


Nothing Comes From Nothing                                   Cloth Rots By Individual Threads

And This Is True Indeed                                               Decaying One By One

The Seed Is The Source Of Life                                   Civilization Rots By Individual People

And God Is The Source Of The Seed.                         Morally Decaying Till The Ruin Is Done.


This Is A Truth Of Life                                                   All Churches, Cathedrals And Temples

And One This You Can Surely Bet                             Are But Symbolic It's True

Sometimes You Can Get What You Want                Worship In The Greatest Temple On Earth

But Some Times You Must Take What You Get.    The Body God Lives In With You.


All Things On Earth Are Dead                                     Search Forever For The Inner Light

And Have No Life To Call Their Own                         Wherever The "Body" May Camp

The Only Life Is God's Life                                            For When You Discover The Inner Light

And Every Heart His Royal Throne.                           You Have Found Aladdin's Lamp. 

New Methods Must We Find                                        You Are The Master Of Your Fate

And Begin To Be Discreet                                              To Make Of Your Life What You Will

Crime Must Be Erased From The Mind & Heart      Live It Right Or Live It Wrong

Before It Can Be Removed From The Street.            You Are The Master Still.

Virtue Silently Builds Power                                         We All Need Heaven's Inspiration

Vice Lewdly Displays It                                                  This Is True

Virtue Enables & Perpetuates Life                               But What God Inspires

Vice Depletes And Decays It.                                        Man Must Do.

All Wisdom Gathered                                                     God's Spiritual Seed Within

Along Life's Way                                                              Bestows Power To Create

Exists Only To Teach Us                                               Genius, Strength & Life From Virtue

How To Live today.                                                          Idiocy, Weakness & Death from Waste

                                                                                               And Child From Mate.

Crime Will Never End

With The Rules We Have In Store

What's The Use Of Trying To Fight Crime

If We Don't Correct The System That Keeps Producing More.

A Burning Candle                                                          Civilization Is Sick And Insane

Is What Life Is All About                                               And Can't See Anything Straight

Don't Live Life Too Fast                                                It's Citizens Suffer Cure In Hospitals & Jails

Or The Wind Will Blow Your Candle Out.                And Let Simple Educational Prevention Wait.

For Constructive Self-Discipline                                For Lack Of Human Progress

This Is The Way                                                               There Is No Excuse

We Must Say What We Mean                                       Wisdom Abounds About Us

And Mean What We Say.                                               But It Must Be Put To Use.

Religion Must Become More Simple                          Our Unnatural Conceit

So It Is Easily Understood                                              Makes Us Think We Are Clever

We Don't Need Help In "Heaven"                                  But Scientific Advancements In Armaments

We Need Help Here To Make Our People Good.      Has Made The World More Barbaric Than Ever.

A Formula For Confidence                                            Living Naturally

Is Easy To Know -                                                             Produces Our Greatest Wealth

Plant A Seed -                                                                   We Don't Need Scientific Research In Medicine

Care For It And Watch It Grow.                                     We Need Common Sense In Health.

Drink Comes To Us Only                                                  A True Adult Lives Clean And Upright

By Filling Another's Cup                                                   And Stands Out From The Mob

It Is The Hand We Reach Down To Help Another      A Person Who Gets "Dirtier" With Age

That Helps To Raise Us Up.                                              Is Not And "Adult" But A Slob.

All Things Grow From Their Own Root                        Be Not Deceived

And Simply Understood                                                   Beloved Youth

A Man Suffers From His Evil                                          The Only Path To Follow

And Rejoices From His Good.                                         Is Truth!  Truth!   Truth!