Food & Fact


  • With a Vegan Diet, each person would have Good Blood and Enable Each Individual in Accordance with their own Level of Evolution - to Develop their Own Lives and Best Contributions to Society.
  • All the Animals who do the work of the World are "Vegans" and are "Kind": horses, mules, elephants, oxen, etc.
  • When Humankind gets its Nourishment from Vegetation Alone; Disease, Lust, Crime, Greed and Deceit will Vanish from the Earth and be Replaced by Humans of Higher More Noble Character; Healthy, Honest, Morally Clean and Fully Conscious of the Natural Need and Benefit of Brotherly Love.
  • "Veganism" is the Only True "Health-Producing" Wonder Drug of Civilization and the ONLY One Capable of Civilizing Human Beings.
  • If "Medicine" Really wants to Help Humanity, it would be a Great Help to Find Preventative Means that people would Not have to Suffer, but by Trying to Find "Cures", it only Encourages the Ill to Continue their Bad Habits of Living in Hope Medicine will Make it More Comfortable.
  • We Cannot become "Human Beings" if we Practice Cannibalistic Characteristics of Polluting our Blood by Eating the Decaying Carcasses of Slaughtered Animals.  The Killing of Animal Brothers for Food and Profit was the Root of all Human Disease and we Will Not Be Rid of Disease until we Stop this Practice One by One as we Advance Our Own Evolution in Health, Character and Spirituality.
  • If we have Animal blood and Animal Flesh in us, we can Expect to have Animal Diseases and Tendencies of Character.
  • There is No Question but that a Vegan Diet Will Give a Clearer Mind, A Clearer Conscience, a More Pure, True and Greater Love; a Greater Compassion and Consciousness concerning the Welfare of ALL Beings in Existence Everywhere; it will Bring Genuine Genius of Thought and Help to Create Close Contact with the Inner Source (God) of ALL True Knowledge; it will Expand Consciousness to Know and Understand All Beings; give a Greatly Wider Expansion of Thought and Awaken in All a Greatly Expanded Charitable Spirit of Love and Brotherhood for All.
  • The Land used for Rearing Cattle for Flesh (wrongly called "Meat") could Produce Many More Pounds of Fruit and Vegetables and the World have Abundance of Pure, "Natural", Nourishing Food, Free of Animal Diseases, the Source of Most, if Not All, Human Ailments.
  • Only the Juices of the Foods we Eat can be Absorbed into the Blood Cells to Bring us Energy and Health.
  • When humans started Killing his Animal Brothers for Food, Products and Profits, he Reaped the Penalty of his Deeds in Sickness, Disease, Poverty and Death.  Since when was the Word "Meat" Misinterpreted to Refer to the Decayed and Diseased Carcasses of Slaughtered Animals?
  • If we consider the Creator to be Wise, we MUST consider ALL of His "Creations" Good and Purposeful and should, therefore, have a "Reverence" for ALL Life.  the Laws of the Universe is "BALANCE" which Must Ultimately and Always be Kept or Restored.  ALL Creation is but ONE LIFE in which we All Live.  To Harm Another is to Harm Ourselves.  To "Kill" Another is to Sign Our Own Death Warrant for Every Causes Returns a Life Effect (Karma).
  • The Human Spirit Once Inhabited Every Lower Form of Life.  When it did so, it Loved its Life as you Now Love Yours.  If you did Not want some larger being to take your Life then you should Not take another Beings Life Now.
  • If a human dies, we call the Body a Corpse.  If a pig is killed in a slaughter house, we call it "Meat". Where is the logic here?
  • Human Life is Sustained by Energy Received from the Sun through the Medium of Food Grown in Mother Earth. 
  • "Compensation" is God's Law.  If we do a thing and Cannot Compensate for it that is SIN.  If we use Mature Plants and Fruit for Food we can Replant the Seeds to Compensate the Soul of the Plant and Continue its Conscious bodily Experience.  But if we Kill an Animal, there is No Way we can Compensate the Animal Soul by Continuing it in other Bodies; thus, we Rob it of its Necessary Future Experiences in Incarnation.
  • Many who turn to Veganism for Health Reasons soon Discover a heightened Awareness of Animal Welfare and Environmental Issues.  Compassion for All Beings is a Natural Extension of Veganism.



"And God said, "Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is  the fruit of a tree yielding seed;  - to you it shall be for meat; and to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepth upon the earth, wherein there is  life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so.    - Genesis 1:29-30


"And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.  And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.  And the suckling child shall play on the hold of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his had on the basilisk's den.  They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."      - Isaiah 11:6-9


"And I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he-goats."  - Isaiah 1:11


"And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you.  Yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood."     - Isaiah 1:15


"...and the flesh of slain beasts in his body shall become his tomb.  For I tell you truly, he who kills, kills himself, and who eats the flesh of slain beasts of the body of death...kill not, you become the slaves of Satan, for that is the path of suffering and it leads to death."


"He who slayeth an ox is as if he slew a man."


"Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat".


From The Gospel of the Holy Twelve - an Ancient Text of the Bible.  In this test the Disciples were forbidden to eat flesh food:

"Eat that which is set before you; but of that which is gotten by taking life, touch not, for it is not lawful to you.  Be ye therefore considerate, be tender, be pitiful, be kind; not to your own kind alone, but to every creature which is within your care; for ye are to them as gods, to whom they look in their needs."


Words from Oliver Goldsmith - the Hermit


"No flocks that range the valley free, to slaughter I condemn; taught by the power that pities me I learn to pity them;

but from the mountain's grassy side a guiltless feast I bring;

a scrip with fruit and corn supplied and water from the spring."


 "Veganism is the Strongest and Most Urgent Power on Earth for Motivating the Physical, Mental, Moral and Spiritual Progress of Humans and for Removing Disease, Suffering and Poverty from the Earth Forever." - Aquarius


Fruit and Herbs

Will Make You Properly Tick

Everything Else

Will Make You Sick.


New Knowledge Of Nutrition

Now Must Come To Pass

A Cow Gets All Its Nourishment

Just From Eating Grass.


                                    "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" ~ Hippocrates