Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?                                                    And Where Am I Going?


"Here I am trying to do my best in all ways ~ caring nothing for day and night nor hot or cold or anything else except that I want to do whatever God wants me to do and to do it Willingly with a glad heart no matter where it may lead me ~ no matter when I am Called and no matter what it is ~ still wondering

WHO am I? WHAT am I doing here? and WHERE am I going?"




YOU ARE A SOUL and All Parts of God have Souls.  Every Living Things is a Part of God.  As Souls we Incarnate on Earth in a Human, Material Body.  We Live in a "Material" Body on Earth so we can Learn All About the Material World.  The Soul is Spiritual and, therefore, Invisible, and Cannot Communicate Directly with the Material World.  It needs the help of a Body or "Vehicle".  In addition, it is the Soul's Responsibility to Build a "Perfect" Body for a Very Special Reason, for by Building a Healthy, "Perfect" Body we come Closer To Uniting Our Life - Our "Consciousness" With the Universal Consciousness through which we develop Brilliance of Mind and Genius.


When we Finally Unite our Consciousness with the Universal Consciousness, we no Longer have to Reincarnate on Earth because we then Develop "Spiritual" Bodies and Live in a Higher World where we will meet others of the same Nature.  Through Soul Growth We Evolve into All Forms of Life.


A Human is a "Soul" Guided by "Spirit".  Both Live in the Human Body.  The "Soul" is the STUDENT and the "Spirit" is the TEACHER.   The "Spirit" Speaks to Us through Mind or "CONSCIENCE".


Until we Realize that "WE" are Separate from Our Body, it is Impossible to Understand Life!  


The Soul (the Builder) "Designs" or "Creates" Future Bodies or Vehicles by the Way it Lives in Them Life after Life and according to Its Ability to Apply the Knowledge and Wisdom Gained.  Thus, the Concerned and Diligent make Great Strides of Progress in Building Harmonious, Healthy Bodies or Vehicles. 


The Final Goal Of Man

Upon This Earthly Sod

Is To Join The Soul Of Man

With The Supreme Soul Of God.


* Let's reiterate ~

 WHO YOU ARE:  a Invisible Soul with a Guiding Spirit in a Physical, Material Body 

YOU ARE HERE: to Learn about the Material World and Build an Keep a Healthy Body and Enlighten your Mind with Wisdom ~ in other words PROGRESS towards PERFECTION

YOU ARE GOING: to Continuously Reincarnate until you apply Natural Law and Eternal Wisdom to your Life and become "Perfect".  THEN Your Soul Consciousness Will Become One With God Consciousness.