No matter how big a "Mental Circle" we draw, we cannot seem to draw one big enough of the Universe which would completely include an idea of "God" and leave nothing else outside that circle.  Regardless of how large the circle, we seem to still behold form, matter, or vastness outside it and when we enlarge the circle, the same thing happens on a larger scale.  Therefore, in this manner of thinking, we just cannot seem to realize the Greatness and Vastness of God.

If we close in on the circle, however, we will gradually and finally arrive at a dot within that circle.  This dot is included within the circle and is therefore a "Part" of the circle representing the Vastness of our idea of God, and is, therefore, a "Part" of God.

This Dot represents YOU!  You are a "part" of the body of God for you and inside of God's Creating, namely every possible thing you can conceive, that is "Your" world and you are a part of God the same as the drop of water is a part of the ocean, and, just the same as the drop of water, when in the ocean, is no longer named a "drop" of water but is included in the "General" name of "Ocean", so are YOU included in the Title of God, for God is the Greatest and Completest "Ocean" or "Universe", therefore, You are as Godly as any other "drop" in God's Ocean and since none are "more" Godly, you may consider Yourself God, for You Truly Are.

Thoughts in Short


God makes Perfect Creatures.  It is Only over Limited Vision which makes them Imperfect.


We Must have Faith in the Integrity of God and in Justness of All Things regardless of what they "appear" to be - there MUST be some Reason.


God speaks to us through "Conscience".  If you "Listen" you are Intelligent.  If you "Obey" you are WISE.


When you have established Peace in your Own Heart and Mind and True Love for All Beings and Things that Exists, You have Discovered God Within Yourself and at last a World at Peace - Your World.


The Spirit of God is not only IN man - it IS man!  Man does not Realize his Divine Nature.  The Inner Man is the Real Man and the True and Only Source of All His Life and Power.


Your Guiding God - Your Own True Inner Self - does not expect you to be Perfect, but is overjoyed if you Constantly keep your Mind on the Final Goal of Perfection when You become as One and Live according to HIS Will.


God Exists in Every Human Body and Actually IS The Life Therein.


Man Must Realize the Purpose for which he cam to Earth.  It is to make him Aware of his Own Divinity and his Part and Place in the Nature and Life of God.


Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" and just as Jesus said it - Every Human Being Must say it for themselves by following His Example of Living and Personally, Themselves, becoming "The Way, The Truth and The Life".




              ...God Created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was without Form and Void and Darkness was upon the Face of the Deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the Face of the Waters and God said: "Let there be Light" and there was light.  The God Created All Things: -


Including Men And Women

Their Bodies He Made Of Clay

Then He Made Streams Of Rivers Within

To Give Them Emotions By Night And Day


The God Infused Their Bodies With Power

That They May Move About

And He Breathed Air Into Their Nostrils

That They May Reason Things Out


And When All This Work Was Finished

Man Was Not Yet Whole

For He Had Yet No Knowledge

Of His Purpose Or His Goal


So God Created Life In Man

Here On This Earthly Sod

And Gave To Man A Soul

That He May Be Part Of God


But Man Then Chose His Own Way

And Began Doing Evil Deeds

He Neglected The Garden Of Eden

And Chose To Wallow In The Weeds


The God Said: "Without Me

All Things On Earth Are Dead

And Have No Life To Call Their Own

The Only Life Is God's Life

And Every Heart His Royal Throne"


And To, God Came To Man

And Made His Alters There

That Man May Seek His Home

And Talk To God In Prayer


When Man Kneels At God's Alter

From God He Shalt Not Part

For God Is With Him Always

At The Alter In His Heart


So Man Must Seek His God Within

And Ever Thank God For His Birth

He Must Realize All Beings Are Related

For God Created All Things On Earth.